Reviewing Joshua Becker’s “The More of Less”

I just finished reading this book by Joshua Becker called "The More of Less" which I borrowed from the library this morning and was so enthralled I couldn't put it down. Briefly I will share some lines that resonated with me as I read through. In many ways it is a great book for the... Continue Reading →

2019 All Over (Bittersweet)

December 2019 It's one of those instances where adulting gets taken to the next level. It's almost 2020. The year that many great ambitions have been made. The date on numerous agendas and promises. But, shit, we had to get through 2019, the year we didn't plan for, the year when things just seemed to... Continue Reading →

Escape and Observe

I sat on the bench near reception and focused on ignoring that small sensation of "otherness" - feeling out of rhythm and slightly out of place. It's that sensation of dancing to the waltz while everyone else is dancing the samba, or being a few seconds too slow or late in the intricate steps of... Continue Reading →

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